Plants That Grow In Poor Quality Soil

It is common knowledge that plants and grass grow best in nutrient rich soil, this however is not always easy or possible to accomplish which will result in many plants being unable to grow and thrive despite having plenty of sunlight and water. Therefore it is important to take in to consideration soil quality when planting to give your lawn or plants the best opportunity to grow and thrive which will save time and money in the long run. Poor soil can be a result of too much clay, sand or chalk soil. Many plants struggle to grow.

There are many options when it comes to growing plants in poor quality soil, these include adding potty mix or nutrient rich loam to the area of the ground or using pots. However this can be more costly and may not be an option so below are some plants that are more resistant to poor quality soil.


Zucchinis are a great option that can grow in most soil types. Zucchinis are members of the squash family and are a great plant to grow in the garden as they are packed full of nutrients and vitamins and a great addition to salads and sandwiches. One thing to note is that zucchinis spread when they grow so it is important to allow for them to have plenty of space.


Tomatoes are a very popular choice of plant for gardens due to their hardy nature and their vitamin rich tasty complexion. For Tasmanians, remember to plant after show day to avoid the chance of frost damaging the plant. Tomatoes are easy to grow and also have the added benefit of being great to use in the kitchen, just remember to keep them well watered with plenty of sunlight. 


Lavender is a great plant option for poor soil types and also has a terrific scent and array of colors. Lavender brings many benefits to a garden, one important one is the attraction of bees which can help bring life to your garden. Anothing important note is that there is not just a single lavender color available for this plant, they can come in a variety of colors. 


Mint has the ability to grow in almost any soil type and is incredibly hardy in nature making it a great option for gardens with poor soil types. Another benefit of mint is that it can be used in cooking and for adding flavor to a drink. Mint can become very invasive which is something to keep in mind when planting  however it is easy to keep on top of with semi regular maintenance. 

Above are only some of the many options of plants that can bring life to your garden that has poor quality soil. There are many more options including grasses and trees that can help bring your garden to life. Over time it may be worth adding nutrient rich  mixture to your soil to enable you the ability to grow a wider variety of plants, grasses or trees in the future.


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