Getting Bushfire Ready for Summer


As lawn overners we are always looking forward to enjoying time outside on our lawn, playing with friends and entertaining over the long summer days. With the weather events that Australia experiences it is important to stay on top of your garden to ensure that your home and property are as bushfire safe as possible as plants of rain and sunshine means lots of growth, then drought means lots of dead grass and dry fuel for possible fires. 

Have a plan

The first preparation for bushfire season is to have a plan. The whole of Tasmania can be prone to bushfires so it is important that you contact your local fire services authority for advice on how to prepare your property to ensure that you, your loved ones and the community are well protected. 

Clear you gutters

Over the winter and spring your gutters may become blocked, this can become a fire hazard as the warmer and dryer months approach. Dried debris on your roof and in your gutters can become a fire hazard. Bushfires move quickly and the embers blow in the wind for miles so it is imperative to ensure that your gutters are clean coming into summer.

Long Grass

Long grass appears quickly throughout the growing months of spring and it can turn into a fire hazard as the warmer months approach if it isn't properly managed and maintained. To better protect your property from fire keep your grass well maintained and also clear out any dead grass that could be building in or around your turf. 

Trees and Undergrowth

Dead or overgrown trees, dying shrubs or undergrowth that needs cutting back? These could all be putting your property at risk this bushfire season. It is important that dead bushes and undergrowth are dealt with to reduce the risk that they will become fuel for a bushfire and put your property and safety at risk. 


There are many things that you can do to prepare your house to be safer this bushfire season and they are all important to complete to ensure that your property and loved ones are as safe as they can be. Contact your local fire service authority and develop a plan, clear your gutters, keep grass maintained and remove dead trees/shrubs and undergrowth. This will enable you to enjoy your lawn all summer knowing you have reduced the risk of bushfire around your property.


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