Common Causes of Lawn Yellowing/Browning and How To Stop It


Browning or yellowing lawns can be a result of many things and can lead to a dead lawn which may mean that you will miss out on using your lawn for your intended need or lower the value of your property. If your lawn is getting plenty of water and enough light and its still not a vibrant green color there is likely something else causing it. We have listed a few of the common reasons for a yellowing or browning lawn. Once you have identified the likely cause of your lawn yellowing/browning, we have recommended some ideas to help rectify the issue. 


Nitrogen is a key nutrient for grass to thrive and is a key ingredient in most fertilizers however over fertilization can result in a yellowing lawn. It is important to find a healthy  balance and over fertilization may cause yellowing due to too much nitrogen. The yellowing of the grass is a result of the roots of the grass drying out leading to the common yellowing. If you suspect that your grass is yellowing due to over fertilization the first step to rectify this issue is to remove any visible fertilizer still present on the lawn then water the lawn frequently for two weeks. If yellowing continues then the lawn may require reseeding. 

Nutrient deficiency

As with a lawn being overfed nutrients, a lawn that is lacking nutrients can also cause yellowing. They key nutrients that can cause yellowing if they are scarce are nitrogen or iron. If you suspect that poor soil nutrient is yellowing your lawn you can conduct a soil test or add fertilizer to the lawn to get your turn looking healthy again. 

Pet spots

Animal spots are well known to yellow lawn, this is due to the nitrogen rich content of pet urine. Over time you may notice that the area that your pets frequent begins to yellow. The easiest way to combat this is to water the area immediately after your pet goes to the toilet to dilute the nitrogen from the liquid. Another option is to train your dog to use another area until the yellowing lawn recovers.


Yellowing lawn can be an eye sore and is a sign that your lawn is being damaged over time. Yellowing lawns can be revived and do not mean that end of your turf and it can be revived over time once the underlying issue is found and rectified.


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